Our Services

Family Therapy
Family Therapy, also known as Systemic Family Psychotherapy, enables individuals, couples and others in close relationships to safely explore emotional and interpersonal problems and make meaningful changes in their lives.The problems people often bring to psychotherapy include relationship and parenting issues, depression, anxiety, trauma, substance misuse, child or adolescent behaviour, loss and a range of other difficulties.

Play in Therapy
Playful and creative approaches in family therapy can direct the focus away from the child as a problem. When adults and children collaborate actively, play is a mutual friend. All families are unique and so are children, our approach is to work with the family and each child at their level where creativity can play a very important role, sometimes children find it easier to tell their story through the medium of art, whether by drawing, painting, acting/role play or writing. Conversations that arise from the family partaking in creative interventions can shape new realities by reframing negative behaviours.

Child & Adolescent
We meet with the parent(s) as part of the initial assessment for child & adolescent therapy and then meet the child /young person. This initial meeting allows those involved to explore the reason for attending, and plan how best to proceed. We integrate an in-depth knowledge of child development (biological, psychological, emotional, social, and linguistic), and awareness of the particular dependency and vulnerability of children and young people, into our practice.

Group Work
Naas Family & Play Therapy Service offers a range of group work programmes for children and parents.

Psychological problems can be precipitated in response to a clear stressor or a build-up of life stresses, as in some cases of depression and anxiety. Acute life stresses may include a range of experiences such as loss, financial difficulty, illness and redundancy. Psychological problems can also be triggered by lifecycle transitions such as having children, family conflict, separation or divorce, forming a new family, parental decline.

Training & Workshops
Naas Family and Play Therapy Service was established out of an understanding that families experience difficulties at different times and transitions in life. We provide families with support and additional understanding, knowledge and skills to overcome these difficulties. The approaches used, look at ways of solving problems by focusing on the positives within each family and identifying changes that can be made to reduce stress and improve relationships.

Parenting Supports

As family therapists, we work systemically believing that the central focus should be upon the system rather than the individual. We take a consistent view that difficulties do not arise within individuals but in relationships, as in couple interaction and language that develops between individuals.

Our sense of who we are is intimately associated with our relationships. When relationships do not give us what we need, we lose our sense of comfort and confidence about the person that we are. When relationships go seriously wrong, powerful psychological process come to operate. Often not in full awareness, and often with unwanted consequences. (AFT 2011) When there is a change in any individual member of the family, others in the family system are affected. (Liddle, 1995).