Parenting Supports

Parenting Supports

Naas Family and Play Therapy Service was established out of an understanding that families experience difficulties at different times and transitions in life. We provide families with support and additional understanding, knowledge and skills to overcome these difficulties. The approaches used, look at ways of solving problems by focusing on the positives within each family and identifying changes that can be made to reduce stress and improve relationships. Each family gains insight, skills and confidence that empower them to face the challenges of family life.

Parenting support is incorporated into family sessions, psychology and psychoeducation as well as needs based individually designed workshops. The supports, when we meet with parents and through our social media & website are there to help parents build positive relationships within their families, understand difficult behaviours or challenges and move towards making positive changes.

The following are some books that you may find of interest. Or click on this link for more information:  RecommendedBooks


Naas Family Play Therapy Service,
Killowen House
Southern Link Business Park
Naas, Co. Kildare W91 D6KW

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