

Trauma There are many types of trauma, these range from one off shock incidents like an assault or car accident to experiencing an abusive relationship and/or growing up in an environment where your needs were not met resulting in developmental or complex trauma. Working therapeutically with developmental and shock trauma requires overlapping but different sets of skills. Individuals that have…

Life Challenges

Life Challenges On-going changes of life can be exciting and fun but also difficult to adjust to. Knowing how best to deal with these life challenges emotionally and practically can be hard to figure out. Now a days we have identified additional adjustments to manage due to family, society, finances and restricted resources. Young adults are unable to move out…

What is Family Therapy?

We at Naas Family & Play Therapy Services offer a wide range of systemic approaches to support individuals and their family (children, teenagers and adults). This is client centred, needs based support in family therapy that provides a space for those that attend to explore their difficulties or dilemmas from a creative and relational perspective with a view to gaining…

Naas Family and Play Therapy Service Website Launch

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Naas Family and Play Therapy Service Website. This website evolved from a culmination of over 100 years experience in therapy & counselling services provided by our entire team here in our Naas Centre. Each member has worked in the industry for over 25 plus years & through with a collaborative…


Naas Family Play Therapy Service,
Killowen House
Southern Link Business Park
Naas, Co. Kildare W91 D6KW

© 2018. All rights reserved.